viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

Insomnia (Dear Sandman)

The saddest part of not being able to sleep at night is definitely the echo of my own voice, thoughts resonating in my skull about the things I should have done, the ones I shouldn't have, the things I'm afraid I might not be able to accomplish, and the shadow of the ones that seem inevitable. 

      My self, as a whole, is not ready to affront what its going to become. My deepest dreams are not a list of steps for me to read and follow, they write themselves as I breath the ink. I might erase some parts sometimes, or at least try to, but the thing about understanding oneself is: you cannot feel fulfilled until you're done with living. And I don't feel like I'm living. 

     Not as long as I can only talk to myself in a bustle.

     If it comes to a bright side of staying awake, I must say it feels warm being the only voice that can sometimes make me smile in absolute darkness. I don't know if I can fully trust in me, but I'm willing to try every night.

     Even so, I beg you for another voice, a silent one, who can bring me peace and a colorful dream at night. Don't get me wrong, I already have beautiful dreams at sunlight, shiny blue dreams that scare and amaze me.

     Please. Let me hear another voice, let me fall in love with it; bring me a blessing and I swear I will give my heart to keep it burning. 

- R.V.              

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